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News for and by the people in Birsay |
July 2003 |
Issue 23 |
Contents Editorial |
EditorialWell folks, here we are again with the first issue for 2003. Once again, packed with articles and information that will keep you going until the next issue. First of all, we would like to wish all our readers a very happy and prosperous New Year. Having said that, there is nothing much more to add so we will just remind you to keep sending in anything you think might be of interest to the people "Roond aboot Birsay" and we will keep on printing it. Johnny Johnston - Co-editors - Morag Spence That Dear Green PlaceAs always I felt sad as I stepped off Wishart's brown and yellow bus, wondering how I'd ever survive a whole year till me summer hols in Birsay. At the age of 8, a year was a long 52 weeks, whereas now six decades later, the 52 telescopes into as many days. There was some consolation in the hope we’d visit at other days and we always tried to be in Birsay on New Year's Day, but it wasn't the same as staying over ; it was the company, of course. Perhaps the country bairns had more fun going home from school in the summer, lingering about the burns and ditches, besides us townies, throwing our schoolbags in, and off to play in a builder's yard, the woodyard, or the smelly old auction mart. A different story in the dark drear stormy days in winter when there was no transport of any kind for country bairns. It was all fun for me, tramping blankets on a hot summer day; sitting enjoying the best view from Hillhead with a bunch of lettuce, a basin of water, vinegar and sugar; playing shops; running down to Newan for milk, pulling bits of shallots as we passed Maggie’s garden; keeping house while Jessie went to help at the neep singling... While Jock and Charlie pitted their wits and skill trying to beat Jessie and Daavid at the 500 table, we played snap, batchy, spoof, and at bedtime, I Spy and the Minister's Cat. When the Scottish dance music was on we learned the Eva Three Step, etc. specially for a family wedding in the Barony Hotel. Sad to say, after all me practise when the time came, I wasn’t good enough. Some days we’d set off to torment the miller, passing in by Maggie o’ Meeron for a sweetie from her tin on the mantlepiece. We'd tear up and down the mill stairs, looking for shellings (I thought I was looking for real money). This was all thirsty work, especially eating dry oatmeal. So, across to Grannie for a drink of the crystal clear water from the Manse Well, and creamola foam, passing the bink at the back door (where is that bink, Rae?). Back across the road to the smithy and the excitement if Jock Martins was shoeing a horse. Thankfully I'm not dependent on any bus, brown, yellow or blue, and can speed off more or less anytime westwards. So you'll often see me rootin’ aboot in the Garden of Orkney. Ivy A. Cooper COUNCILLOR CHATFirst let me thank the people of Birsay and Dounby for their support and confidence in accepting me as their councillor for the next 4 years. It is quite a challenge knowing that a large community are looking to you to represent them and look after their interests in Orkney Islands Council. I am sure that you will be aware of the funding problems the Council is having and with the present arrangements from the Scottish Executive it is very difficult to progress many of the projects and services we would like to provide to the people of Orkney. If we could get equal funding per person in Orkney to that of Shetland and the Western Isles we could make quite a difference. The Council met with our MSP, Jim Wallace, and we made plain our disquiet at being disadvantaged in comparison with the other island groups and that we expect him to fight our case robustly in the Scottish Executive. Happily we are able to proceed with the Dounby care home and work should start about the end of July. It is projected to take about 18 months so there will be a bit of disruption in the village but I am sure it will be worth it. The Reporter to the Orkney Local Plan inquiry eventually published his findings and he did not support the case that I and the Community Council made to allow Birsay be treated the same as the isles when it comes to the siting of houses. He did not acknowledge the fact that we have a declining population and the need to sustain rural communities as examples of the arguments we put forward. However last week I managed to persuade the Council that they instruct the planning officials to consult the Birsay Community about providing more flexibility in the siting of houses, so we wait the next chapter in this long running saga. (I noted from the 2001 census that the population of the combined parishes of Birsay and Harray (this used to be a civil parish up to 1929 I believe) has declined 24% in 10 years. I was most surprised at this figure as such a decline is not plainly obvious.) You may have seen the adverts encouraging people to express their interest in getting Broad Band for e-mail and internet connection. I am sure anyone using the internet will experience the frustrations of the delays in opening pages on the internet. I understand that Broad Band can make a significant difference in the speed of upload and download. Highlands and Islands Enterprise are proposing to make Broad Band available to all communities who show an interest in Broad Band so we want as many people as possible to express an interest. Send a message to 0800 0272327 or go to to express your interest. One last note; I understand that the new children’s playground at the school will be available after about 20 July. It is a privilege to represent the people of Birsay and Dounby and anyone is welcome to get in touch by telephone (771328), e-mail, call past Hundasaeter or ask me to come past your home if there are any issues I can help you with. I believe that a councillor is the advocate for the people who elect them. Issues do not necessarily have to concern the Council but any organisation which is giving you a problem. For this issue of the newsletter I am including a summary of the work of the education department, which I hope will give you a greater understanding of this important department in the Council. The Department of Education and RecreationThis department has a much wider remit than just providing schools and teachers, and is responsible for a number of different services which are all important to many different communities and interests in Orkney. The following explains what the Department is responsible for, and what the current priorities are:- · School and pre-school education The main service aims for school and pre-school education are to provide a happy, caring, inclusive and safe environment in which pupils will achieve their very best – good exam results, enjoyment and success in areas such as sports and the arts, a range of life skills, and the skills and attitudes to become good citizens of the future. New government funding means that a large number of additional ‘projects’ are underway to help achieve these aims. Standards in schools are high, and recent inspection reports show that provision is generally very good. Schools should be attractive, modern, fit-for-purpose places. The Council has recognised the need to maintain school buildings in a good state of repair unlike many other Councils whose buildings have been allowed to deteriorate. There is an ambitious programme of building – recently, a new school was opened in Firth and extensions and refurbishments have taken place at Kirkwall Grammar School, Dounby, Sanday, Papa Westray and Eday. Planned improvements will soon be started in Shapinsay and Glaitness (including improved integrated provision for pupils with special educational needs). A new school is planned for Burray. Future needs for Papdale, Rousay and Stromness Academy are under consideration. · Further education · Grainshore Training Centre Grainshore provides supported training to a small number of clients, including a number with disabilities. This includes general skills training, construction skills, IT and interview skills. Currently it is managed by Orkney College on a pilot basis, and it is hoped that trainees will in future become students of the college. · Community and Adult Learning New premises, The Learning Link in Queen Street, mean that those adults wishing help with basic literacy and numeracy have a place of learning and meeting. There are many adults requiring help, and the priority for the Adult Basic Education service is to attract and retain more learners. · Library and Archive Services The new Orkney Library and Archive is nearing completion, and will open in October. It will provide enhanced services such as internet access, a local studies centre and additional opening times for the archives and will bring a number of additional services, such as the Biodiversity Records Centre, and the Orkney Family History Society, together in one central, attractive area. · Sports, Arts and Recreation The Department runs a number of sports centres and recreational facilities, and commissions services from the Pickaquoy Centre. The recent appointment of a sports development officer will mean more support for the wide range of sporting organisations in Orkney. During July and August community consultation will be taking place on both the draft Sport and Recreation Strategy and Review of Orkney Sports Development Group. These will be launched in the autumn and will provide clarity and priorities for the new Sports Development Service. A Coaching Audit is also being undertaken with sports clubs in order to assess the coaching needs in the County with a view to allocating resources and improving coaching standards. This is being funded through the Islands Forum (sportscotland). Consultation for Healthy Living Centres is in progress with partners, communities and funding partners and work on these should commence from April 2004. The Orkney Arts Strategy was launched earlier this year, and involved the public bodies and a wide and representative range of arts organisations and individuals. There is a clear desire to make some improvements to arts venues, improve communications, support smaller arts enterprises, and co-ordinate bids for external funds. · Special Projects Special Projects continues to provide training opportunities for long-term unemployed while supporting community projects and making real improvements to the Orkney environment. Overall, the Department budget is £23 million and there are around 850 employees. Keith Johnson Hundasaeter
BIRSAY COMMUNITY COUNCILWell, the elections are all over and now we have a brand new Community Council! Or maybe not brand new but ready to face a new session. There has been only one change, as it happens, with Barbara Foulkes deciding not to stand again, due to pressure of other work. We would like to thank her for the work she has put into the Community Council over the many years she has been a member and we wish her all the best in her new career. She has been replaced by Susan Norquoy and we welcome Susan to our Council. I know she will be a valuable member, with much to contribute to the community. The new Community Council therefore consists of the following members:- Johnny Johnston, Chairman; Kenny Ross, Vice Chairman; Duncan Tullock; Sandy Scarth; Maxwell Tait; Jean Harvey; Susan Norquoy At the final meeting of the old Council, we met in a rather different venue. Sergeant Davie Mathieson invited us to the recently renovated Police Station in Stromness to see for ourselves the vast improvements which had been carried out there. It was a most interesting evening, with Chief Inspector Mike Cowdry giving us a talk on the aims of the Orkney Area Command and Sergeant Mathieson giving us a guided tour of the premises. We then held our meeting at the Station and we would like to thank all concerned for the invitation to visit. As for the normal Community Council matters, we continue to make some progress on the various things, roads, drainage etc. We have now ordered a plaque for Mans Well, to let people know a bit more about its history and we hope to have that in place soon. All the marker stones at the boundaries of Birsay with other parishes have now had the word BIRSAY painted black. This is a great improvement, as it shows up the name much more clearly. We thank Sandy Scarth for doing the job. To end on a slightly brighter note, I mentioned last time that we had ordered new gates for the Kirkyard. Well, they are now in place and I am sure everyone will agree that Alan Norquoy has made a lovely job. As always, let any of us know if there is something you think we can help you with. Johnny Johnston - Chairman. NEWS FROM ORKNEY VINTAGE CLUB
The next significant event was the Orkney Cavalcade which took place on 23rd May. The chosen route, starting from Kirkwall, took in Tankerness, Deerness, Holm, St Mary's, Kirkwall again, Finstown, Rendall, Harray, Dounby, Hillside, Kirbuster, Swanney and the Palace, before the day was rounded off with a meal at The Barony Hotel. Only one breakdown took place, the driver being able to do a repair and re-join the convoy a short while later. In Holm, all the cars took a turn around the steading at Millhouse, the home of Alfie and Allie Eunson. There was an ulterior motive in this. Two of the cars stopped, and the drivers and passengers went in to spring a surprise on the unsuspecting couple. Alfie and Allie were presented with a Life Membership Certificate from Orkney Vintage Club. As chairman, I was honoured to have to carry out this pleasant task. Although the Club has now existed for 20 years, in actual fact there were people in Orkney who had our aims and objectives very much in mind long before then, and Alfie and Allie certainly fall into this category. Along with daughter Evelyn, they have an extensive collection of artefacts, and it is easy to while away several hours at Millhouse. The next event on the calendar was a Sunday trip to Copinsay. The weather was again kind, and two boat-loads of passengers spent a very enjoyable few hours exploring the island. A full report of this and other club events will duly appear in our next newsletter in February 2004. A contingent of motoring enthusiasts and friends again took to the roads (and the sea), on the 6th of July, when they journeyed across the Pentland Firth to take part in the Caithness and Sutherland Vintage Vehicle Club's annual Rally. The Club is now gearing up for its big day - the Annual Rally, which takes place at Orkney Auction Mart on Sunday 10th August. One of the features of the indoor display is to be 'Old Trades', so if anyone has items they would like taken to the Rally, then let me know (771373). Readers will recall my query regarding the use of the word 'croupier' in the report of the 1882 West Mainland Ploughing Match that was in the last newsletter. Sheila Spence of Linneth in Harray provided the answer almost right away. In an old dictionary of hers, it gives the following definition: Croupier: One who at a public dinner party sits at the lower end of the table as assistant chairman. Submitted by Harold Esson FARMING A HUNDRED YEARS AGOMy grandfather and great-grandfather were both called John Johnston and farmed at Houseby, Beaquoyside. They kept diaries which run from 1873 until 1934, and I thought it might be of interest to readers of Roond Aboot Birsay if we looked at what was happening on the farm a hundred years ago. The following is taken from information recorded by my grandfather. Although there were light snow showers and frost on Hogmanay and New Year's Day, the first snow of any worth was on January 10th and 11th and it was followed by a week or more of calm, frosty weather. Ploughing had commenced on 28th November and was going ahead at every available opportunity, depending on the weather. Other routine tasks filled in the rest of the time - taking in sheaves and turnips, threshing, tying-up straw, bussing and winnowing oats etc. (By the way, the mill at Houseby was water-driven, one of two such mills in the district, the other being at Beaquoy). John fetched 5 bolls, 6 stones of oatmeal from the 'Rangoe Mill' on the 9th January, and put another 10 sacks of oats to the mill on the 17th, this time taking home 2 bolls of bere meal. The sowing commenced on 1st May. Around this same time, a stot was sold to George Garson of Flanders for £9-15/- (equivalent to £601.97 today). At the Dounby Market, on Thursday 14th May, 3 stots were sold to Mr Whitelaw for £26-10/(equivalent to £1636.13 today). The following Monday he wrote, 'Maggie at Stromness with cattle for Mr Whitelaw' (Maggie was his wife). The weather in May was excellent - only one day was recorded as 'damp' and although the 15th was ‘very stormy', there was no mention of rain. No mention is made of when or where the peats were cut, although more than likely they came from The Mussies, an area on the south-east corner of Glimps Moss. At that time, people were beginning to cut peats above Overabist, as the new road went in during the early years of the century. (I have plans of the road, if anyone is interested). June's weather was similar to the previous month, with only two mentions of rain, but there was more than a week of cold, northerly weather around the middle of the month. The main job during the latter half of July was the hay-cutting and turnip-singling. Again, there was little hindrance from the weather; only four days mention rain and three are recorded as 'damp'. Hay-carting took place in early August and, on the 7th is written, 'Cutting evergreen rye grass seed 27 thrave' (a thrave was 24 sheaves). At the Dounby Market on the 13th, he 'Sold old horse to Mr Matheson, £7, and foal to Mr Goudard £10'. The foal was delivered to Stromness a week later. Other jobs taking place at this time were, 'Scuffling turnips, building rye hay, and delving and carting fail to top the peat-stack'. The grass seed was also threshed, sifted and winnowed, and 16 bushels were stored in the shed loft. On the last day of the month, he fetched a boll of bere meal and ½ a boll of oatmeal from the Rangoe mill. If these extracts prove to be of any interest, I'll take you through the rest of the year in the next newsletter. Submitted by Harold Esson WHEN STARS RETURNLike it or not, soon enough nights will be dark and the stars shine. Look for MARS quite low in the southern sky about midnight. Mars is in opposition again. No he didn't lose an election, the term means that as we view the universe, the Sun is in one direction, and Mars diametrically opposite, so at midnight when the Sun is at its lowest point below the horizon, Mars is at its highest. This occurs 28th of August this year, and reoccurs every 780 days. This year's opposition is special, because the planet is closer than usual - its closest approach in millennia, and therefore brightest and most clearly viewed with a telescope. Unlike the solar eclipse, this close approach lasts for several weeks, and Mars can be seen drifting slowly away through much of the autumn. No telescope? Keep an eye on TV - there are several important space probes that should reach Mars in December or early next year. Our old friends return - the Plough turning over the heavens in the north, the Great Square of Pegasus to the south, its left edge marking the meridian on which "Spring begins". No harm in planning ahead. We can welcome Orion in October if your party lasts past midnight. Jupiter will be a "morning star" in the southeast this autumn, but bright Venus won't be the "evening star" until December. She'll shine this winter if the earth keeps turning. Birsay Heritage Trust Birsay Bere Eaten in London: Bere meal featured as part of an Orkney Quality Food & Drink promotion at the Langham Hilton Hotel in London this March. Menu items included Smoked Orkney Salmon with capers, red onions, horseradish cream and Beremeal Bannocks; Orkney Seafare Oysters with Bere Biscuits and cheddar; and Westray Haddock with Beremeal and mustard crust. Sound good? Sooans: Rae, the miller, reports that from time to time some sooans are available at the Mill. Sooans is a form of starch prepared by soaking the inner husks of oats for perhaps a week, after a series of draining and replacing the liquid above the starch that has settled to the bottom, flour is added to make a batter for flat scones. These are excellent with cheese or rolled up with jam and have been traditional fare. So if you would like to give it try, stop at the mill and ask when the next sooans will be available and ask Rae for the procedure. Beyond the Mill: Birsay heritage is more than the Mill, and we need ideas and WORKERS for new projects. Some suggestions that have been made are 2) A web-page on Birsay's natural heritage. Your Secretary is no help - he doesn't know a sea gull from a sparrow. But Keith Johnson does, and he would like to hear from you (771-328, email: 3) New suggestions. Remember BHT is YOUR TRUST to promote the historical and natural heritage of your parish. VISIT BIRSAY'S WEBSITE: Frank Zabriskie The St Magnus Church Birsay Trust1627 – 1635 No, none of the trustees was around then, but Rev Francis Liddell was minister of St Magnus during these years. So? Well, Deirdre Hay, a direct descendant of Rev Liddell, visited the church on 7th July and made contact with me. In fact, she has a double connection with the church, because she is also related to Dr Samuel Traill, minister of St Magnus for a lengthy period in the mid-19th century. It’s amazing to think we have a direct contact that goes back almost 40 years. Visitors Events Our season began in April with the St Magnus Day Service, featuring pupils from Firth school in a splendid performance in music and mime of ‘The Story of St Magnus’. It was first performed at Firth School at Christmas 1999, and then repeated at the Pickaquoy Centre as part of the millennium celebrations. It’s a version of the story well worth repeating every two or three years. The Jazz Festival service on the last Sunday of April is by now an eagerly awaited event, with a big attendance from Stromness, Kirkwall and further afield. The band was in particularly good form this year, and was not allowed to leave without an encore. The St Magnus Festival concert in June attracted the usual capacity audience. The Birsay concert has become so popular that it sells out almost as soon as tickets go on sale. Many visitors come to Orkney just for the festival concerts, which leaves little time for sight-seeing, and the concert in Birsay gives them a chance to see a bit of the countryside as well as attending an event in ‘the other St Magnus’, one of Orkney’s most historic buildings, and feasting on the delicious fare provided by some of the many talented local ladies. Once again, we would like to say a very big thank you to them for helping to put Birsay on the map. From Belarus to Birsay On Sunday 3rd August at 7.30pm, there will be a gospel concert by Michael Harcus from Westray. At the time of writing he is in Belarus doing a tour on behalf of a charity which he supports. Many of you will have heard Michael on Radio Orkney. Don’t miss this opportunity to see him in a live performance. ‘More If You Care’ Fare To set the fundraising ball rolling, we are planning an event on 7th September, which will be a bit like a car boot sale, and a bit like a collectors’ fair, at the Community Centre. We have been given a number of pictures and a good many items of china, glassware, curtains, books, etc., so it seems sensible to start our fundraising now by selling tables of goods of all descriptions at bargain prices – 25p, 50p, £1, £2, £5..., but you can give us more if you care to do so (or care about maintaining St Magnus). There will be items for silent auction, on which you can bid as much as you like, and there will be lots of other things going on as well – traditional music by the Birsay Bairns, some form of fast food served by Dounby/Palace Stores, a treasure map, plant tables etc. Down at the Palace there will be a small exhibition in the vestry of paintings which have been gifted to us, along with a small display of photographs. Pam and David Ward of Spindrift (formerly Heimdall Tearoom) will serve afternoon teas, sit-in or take-away, and they will be inviting some of their Stromness friends to provide traditional music at the Palace. Clear out your attic! (just a suggestion!) Help us to make this the Sale of the Century! Bertie Harvey Birsay BairnsThe Birsay Bairns have been meeting as usual every Wednesday after school during term-time. Thanks must go to Jean Leonard for her time, and all the effort she puts in to the tuition of the bairns. Unfortunately, numbers are dwindling as the older bairns leave the group to follow other pursuits, although they are always willing to come and help us out at any time. Some of our older members are going to the Isle of Man with the Orkney Traditional Music Project in July. There they will be playing at a local folk festival – representing Scotland! Some of the tourists were so impressed that they even bought Orkney Traditional Music Project music books and CDs. We will be meeting again in the Twatt Kirk hall as usual after the holidays. Susan Norquoy NEWS from the DOUNBY CENTREAfter a busy Spring Programme the Centre is getting quieter as people move to outdoor activities. However, the Centre is running a busy summer schedule -opening five days a week. This includes a Summer Play Scheme for the kids which hopefully will soon be using the new Playground with all its fancy new equipment - see it building at the back of the school. Some clubs will continue over the summer but do remember if there is some facility not open that you want to use - just ask. The Centre will still be holding car boot sales over the summer and will be playing its part in the Dounby Show - Flowers and Vegetables! P. S. There is now water available in the fitness suite and cooling fans are imminent! Malcolm I.A.Beaton, Chairman - Dounby Centre Committee Hundasaeter Weather StationThis year has in some respects been a continuation of 2001 and 2002 with a very benign winter (few gales and no real low temperatures) and a sunny, dry spring and only 4 gale days in the first 6 months of the year. The months of January and May were wetter than normal but the other months made up for that with less rain than average. I suspect that the average maximum temperatures are up this year and as I write this, the max. temperature on 17 July was 24.50C – after a quick look at past 50 years at Grimsetter this looks to be the highest temperature recorded; I will confirm in the next news letter. However I do know that higher temperatures have been recorded at Rackwick (please note that the averages quoted do not yet include the years 2000 and 2001 and are for the period 1950-2000 at Grimsetter). MONTH Max Min mm hours knots TEMP TEMP RAIN (AV) SUN (AV) MAX WIND January 10.8 -6.4 132.1 (110.5) 30.8 (29.3) 64.3 February 11.0 -3.2 36.3 (76.6) 53.4 (60.3) 54.8 March 14.5 -3.8 48.8 (82.4) 131.9 (94.3) 57.4 April 21.1 -0.4 40.9 (57.3) 182.1 (141.7) 42.6 May 18.8 -0.4 72.6 (49.3) 167.7 (172.4) 43.5 June 19.6 5.6 48.9 (48.5) 166.1 (157.5) 43.5
Keith Johnson July 2003 |