Marwick: chapel
& burial ground HY 230241
Marwick: Viking
houses HY 228239
Mittens : two
mounds HY 296282
Mount Misery
: mound, Boardhouse Farm HY 245273
Oxtro or Oxtra,
broch, Boardhouse HY 253267
Park Holm :
artificial island and causeway HY 312269
Point of Buckquoy
: five mounds HY 244282
Queena: two
mounds HY 277278
Queena Fjoid
: mounds HY 267251
Quoyhorrie :
two mounds HY 284270
Raviehall :
three mounds HY 259249
Runa: mound
HY 265244
Saevar Howe
: mound HY 246270
mound & two standing stones HY 267276
Stoney Holm
: crannog HY 311273
: three mounds HY 276228
Wheebin : standing
stone HY 252262
References are Ordnance Survey Map