BIRSAY HERITAGE TRUST Barony Mill, Birsay, Orkney, KW17 2LY The organisation’s purposes are: The preservation of the historical, cultural and natural heritage of the parish of Birsay, Orkney. To further the education and knowledge of the public in the history, cultural, natural history and other features of life in the parish of Birsay, Orkney and anything connected with the parish. Name(s) _____________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Postcode __________________ e-mail _____________________________________ Telephone (optional) _________________ Mobile ______________________ Signature _______________________ Date _______________________ ******************************* Please mark the type of membership you choose Membership becomes
effective after approval by the Board of Birsay Heritage Trust. PAYMENT METHODS. Please mark your choice(s) O I would like to add
a donation of £ .................. . If Desired, you may augment your donations by the following declaration. Gift Aid Declaration Signature: ................................................... Date:............................... Please Print this part of the form and mail to the address given above. Thank You. *************************************************************************************** Standing Order Mandate. Please fill in, detach, and send to your Bank or Building Society To: The Manager, Your details: Bank Name ................................................... Account Name(s) ................................................... Address ................................................... Account Number ................................................... ................................................... Bank Sort Code ..................................................... ................. Postcode .............. Please pay Royal Bank of Scotland, Kirkwall Branch, Account No. 00151332, Sort Code 83-24-07, quoting reference: ( Please insert your name)............................................. , in the amount of £ .................(amount in words .......................................................................) commencing immediately, and annually on the 30 April in subsequent years until further notice. This mandate supersedes any previous order in favour of the Trust. Signature .................................................. Date ................................................ |
Birsay Heritage Trust is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation, Registration No. SCO 27642